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Smart Homes start with Google Nest

Subscriptions start at just $8 a month. Get more video history, smart alerts, and other helpful features.

Google Nest Mini

Meet the new Nest Mini. Your music sounds bigger and better than ever with 40% stronger bass than the original Mini. And the Google Assistant is a huge help ...

Google Home Devices

List Price: $26.37$26.37. Exclusive Prime price. FREE delivery Fri, Mar 21 on $35 of items shipped by Amazon. Or fastest delivery Mon, Mar 17. Works with Alexa.

Google Home White Slate One Size Smart Speaker Google Assistant

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google home ; Google - Nest Wi-Fi Video Doorbell - Battery Operated - Snow · $279.98Your price for this item is $279.98 ; Google - Nest Cam 2 ...

Google Home Speakers for Sale - New & Used Smart Speakers

Google Home Wireless Bluetooth Google Assistant Voice Recognition Smart Speaker · $22.00. or Best Offer. $3.00 shipping ; Google Home Smart Assistant - White ...

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適用於Google Home Mini Voice Assistant 的家用. $137. 蝦皮購物▽ ; Google Home mini 智能語音助理/藍芽喇叭. $880. 蝦皮購物▽ ; 9.9成新 google home mini. $1,500. 蝦皮 ...

Smart Speaker & Google Assistant, Light Grey & White

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Google Home A Smart Speaker & Google Assistant

Google Home A Smart Speaker & Google Assistant(10) ; $6895. current price $68.95 · 12864.4 out of 5 Stars. 1286 reviews ; $4799. current price $47.99 · 5674.6 out ...


googlenest/homemini壁掛式支架客制化刻字腳架/掛牆壁/不需釘子/不需黏膠/插座式.$199.rating-star-full.5.0·blkbox.me原裝㊣品WallMountforGoogleHome ...,Subscriptionsstartatjust$8amonth.Getmorevideohistory,smartalerts,andotherhelpfulfeatures.,MeetthenewNestMini.Yourmusicsoundsbiggerandbetterthaneverwith40%strongerbassthantheoriginalMini.AndtheGoogleAssistantisahugehelp ...,ListPrice:$26.37$26.37.Excl...